Weight Loss Yoga Routine: Trim & Tone (intermediate level)

25 comments on “Weight Loss Yoga Routine: Trim & Tone (intermediate level)
  1. Yogea ArtFlow Yoga says:

    Thank you for your insight. This is a fast-intermediate routine, and the
    complexity comes from the unorthodox transitions and pose modifications
    that require a series of binds and twists. And it is very hard to determine
    a level that fits all needs. But based on your request we can offer another
    weight loss routine that will target beginner yogis. Thanks!

  2. Škola Lukićevo says:

    Thank you very much for sharing this nicely composed complex of exercises!

  3. Chlochi_world says:

    Quite challenging, nice flow. Will keep practising this one thanks!

  4. Ceci1219 says:

    For how long have you practiced yoga to achieve this level of flexibility?

  5. Gueritadesuiza says:

    I have done this practice yesterday and today. Yesterday I had to stop
    every so often to understand the poses but today I could flow through.
    Yeah! It is a great practice, leaving me energized and feeling strong! Just
    out of curiosity, why do you not finish the practice in Shavasana? My yoga
    teacher ends every practice with it for the body to absorb the practice and
    says this is the most important poses of all… Do you disagree?

  6. Yogea ArtFlow Yoga says:

    Thank you for your remark. In fact there is a brief relaxation at the end
    of the weight loss routine, but it is a modified Savasana in reclining
    butterfly. The reason for that is to give the body a chance to open the
    hips while relaxing after a core strenghtening routine, and also to unleash
    the flow of abundance and open the channels of receptivity. There are many
    ways to relax after a yoga class, and if you want a classical Savasana,
    feel free to do your version at the end.

  7. Jessica Boissonneault says:

    Glad I came across this since I have been looking for more advanced yoga
    sessions (the ones I was used to were too slow and not enough twists and
    bends). This one I found challenging but also doable! I appreciate you
    uploading this, thank you!

  8. Dalia J says:

    Hated it, what is the point of the yoga!! I don’t find it challenging or
    any thing so ..!!!

  9. Dalia J says:

    Just wasted a 30 min -_-

  10. Yogea ArtFlow Yoga says:

    Thank you for your comment and for practicing the routine, more advanced
    but accessible sequences are coming up. Stay tuned!

  11. yoga chio says:

    Hola .. quiero agradecerte por todo esto que has hecho .. te lo agradesco
    mucho mucho yo soy alguien que esta empesando en esto de yoga lo cual me
    encanta me facina y contgo aun mas el unico es el idioma .. no se mucho
    mucho ingles .. pero veo varias veces cada rutina para asi poder hacela …
    jajajaja pero bueno … de nuevo muchas gracias

  12. Marina Grubic says:

    This one is challenging and beautiful. Many thanks!

  13. Ashley Serrago says:

    challenging but I liked it, one critique is to slow down and add more
    detail to the narrative, for a first timer to the video very hard to get
    the positions in the timing of the narrative. thanks for sharing :)

  14. Craig Enis says:

    While I am sure this is good excercise, it is not Yoga. Yoga is about going
    deep and being in touch with your body and breath. This routine is not even

  15. Robert Jose says:

    If you are looking to shed pounds, you should search google for Skinnimaker
    System. They can help you get the body you deserve.

  16. Maria Elena Soto-Ferguson says:

    really good..thanks a lot

  17. Sivakamiful . says:

    Hello, have you discovered Skinnimaker System? (search for it on google)
    You will find out about the crimes we commit against ourselves. With
    Skinnimaker System, you will discover how to melt fat quickly.

  18. Asma Tohamy says:

    Heavens sake can you slow down a little so one can follow. I love your type
    of yoga. Pls also can focus be a bit close up on you rather than showing so
    much of the background and surrounding.

  19. Asma Tohamy says:

    Thanks a lot for attending my request. I am absolutely in love with your
    type of yoga . Its so therapeutic. Pls email me about your new work outs
    that are going to be slow and short , and pls advice me a little how do I
    mix n match some routine. I want to only do your way of yoga flow. Thanks a
    lot again. Keep up the good work. I’m spreading the word about this yoga. I
    hope to see your studio one day , have to travel all the way from Australia
    though. Take care.

  20. maria salgado says:

    Excellent flow! Thank you. Beautiful background, though a bit
    distracting for me. I appreciate the subtle nature sounds. All in all,
    looking forward to my practice with your videos!!!

  21. Alissa Danielle says:

    I liked this video and the positions – but I agree that its fast. a pause
    for the viewer follow along is much needed. by they time i understood what
    she was asking me to do and positioning myself there she was moving on.
    however, i’m new to yoga but feel as though intermediate offers more what I
    am looking for in positions/challenges

  22. The Crafti Yogi says:

    Thanks for this unique and challenging flow. It is a nice addition to this
    morning’s exercise routine. Cheers!

  23. Siret Torres says:

    Wow, this was quite challenging, my mind wanted to skip it at the middle
    but my body was already in love with the routine :) need to keep
    practising, thank you!
    Wish you Peace beyond all understanding

  24. Roberto Julian says:


  25. shapeurmind says:

    I don’t know how you do it but your routines are the only yoga I am able to
    do without having knee pain. It’s wonderfull!!! Please make more weight
    loss vídeos and detox. I absolutely love them to add to my routines. I
    loved the flow and pace of this pratice. Feels more powerful and sometimes
    in life we need to have peaceful yet dinamic moments and this practice
    fullfills that purpose to me. It brings energy to my organism. Greetings
    from Portugal (I apologize for my english)