Yoga For Weight Loss – Yoga Core Workout

25 comments on “Yoga For Weight Loss – Yoga Core Workout
  1. Kseniya Klyachko says:

    Hi Adriene, I love your videos, thank you for posting them! During this
    sequence, I feel the burn in my shoulders way more than anywhere else, to
    the point where I have to release the position, (even just being in table
    top). Am I doing it wrong, or do I just have to get stronger? Is there any
    variation that’s easier on the shoulders?

  2. Kamila Paszkiet says:

    thank you for this lovely video. :)
    i just have one question – my wrists really hurt when doing this
    core-workout. am I doing sth wrong or just need to strenghten them? would
    appriciate advice :)

  3. Kelli P says:

    I have an undiagnosed problem with my hand/wrist. I’ve suspected it’s
    carpal tunnel but have neglected to get it checked. Some of these
    exercises, though they stretch and challenge it, do cause me pain. Am I in
    danger of causing further injury as opposed to therapy?

  4. Yvette Williams says:

    Can u please do a yoga video using a folding chair as a prop? Not seated
    yoga but a practce that shows sun salutations, side bends etc using a
    chair. Kinda like the video Chogaflow. I think beginners would really love
    that. Love ur videos!!!

  5. Allee Bruce says:

    This is the second video by you I followed along and I love it, I feel so
    much better after. Living in college with crowded workout areas, this is
    perfect for dorm life!

  6. TheLastmystic says:

    I should probably not have attempted this being a beginner because my fore
    arms and knee just feel so bad right now

  7. why says:

    Hey I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong, cause for me this video
    seemed to be a check in with my upper arms rather than anything else? Thank

  8. Newsha Sadr says:

    I really love your videos! They are nice and friendly! I feel so good every
    time after doing yoga with you!

  9. Taira Savio says:

    Dear Adriene, I watch you from Italy and LOVE your videos and your healthy
    humour! Teachers and trainers should be funny and silly! Great job!

  10. Marina Melo says:

    I don’t know exactly how to say it, cause my english isn’t that good.
    I really like your videos, you are human! You show to everyone things there
    anyone could do. I’m loving the exercises, I’m feeling really good. It
    helps my concentration and my capacity in making choices.
    From Brazil with love :*

  11. Tre Gardener says:

    It is a lot of weight on my arms. Could it be I am not distributing my
    weight evenly?

  12. shoti2zani says:

    Am I the only one whose perform this and have my body full of sweat ??
    Good Lord !!!

  13. Nagy Tobia says:

    this is so good but it needs a strong wrist

  14. 92foulek says:

    love u, love u, love u!!!!!!!!!

  15. J Kap says:

    What is “collapsing into your joints?” 

  16. Ivette BenitezGregory says:

    THANK YOU for your videos! If I ever fly to Texas, I know where to go to

  17. Lia Mayers says:

    Harder than what it looks like lol, my shoulders and arms feel good though!

  18. Matthew Acton says:

    Great video Adriene!

  19. Mehgan Lott says:

    I really like this short workout (I have to pick my son up and I had to get
    my day 2 30 day challenge done first). On the last part of the video I had
    nice balance on one side and could do the moves, but when we switched sides
    I couldn’t do it at all. Any suggestions for better balance? 

  20. Shaina Nicholson says:

    love this video :) thanks Adrie
    ne :*

  21. Hope Keller says:

    I love ya Adriene! Thanks for your time!

  22. Shilpi Sinha says:

    Yoga with less talking would make more sense..I could not even watch it cos
    of soo much blah blah…but sure you know some stuff there…Namaste

  23. Adrinetta Moultry-Davis says:

    I had fun doing this yoga video i was trying to find something for
    weightloss but without the extra sweating lol thank you and keep posting 

  24. Jinky Gallegos Reyes says:

    Thank you very much for a wonderful workout! Hugs from Philippines :*