Power Yoga – with Adriene

25 comments on “Power Yoga – with Adriene
  1. Yoga With Adriene says:

    It’s so cold. You can’t move. This should help! My version of Power Yoga –
    shot in the Texas Summer Heat!!! 

  2. Rose Villalta says:

    It’s so cold. You can’t move. This should help! My version of Power Yoga –
    shot in the Texas Summer Heat!!! 

  3. MMVVK says:

    Hi Adriene, Greetings from SUNNY Copenhagen, Denmark! (It’s true! I can
    hardly believe the sunshine myself! )
    I have been practising yoga on and off for many years now. It usually used
    to be at the gym once or twice a week.
    But since I discovered your youtube channel I have been doing at least one
    of your videos everyday for the last month and a half starting with the 30
    days of yoga series.
    And I just wanted to say THANK YOU!
    I look forward to getting out of bed in the mornings so that I get to do
    one of your videos.
    Your method of teaching is so wonderful and relaxed that I feel like I’m
    practising with a friend in my living room.
    This one was particularly awesome! I actually had beads of sweat forming.
    THANKS AGAIN and keep up a fantastic work!!

  4. lesley says:

    OMG YES! its freezing here in texas!! (im in dallas) 

  5. Kara Kelly says:

    Love this yoga video and this whole channel really. I started practicing
    yoga with these videos after I got out of nursing school a few months ago
    after I realized that I really didn’t want to pursue nursing as a career. I
    did these videos to help clear my mind to find what I really want to do,
    WHICH HAS HELPED A LOT. I was also looking for some good cardio videos as
    I’ll be getting married soon, and as poor newlyweds we won’t have a home
    treadmill or anything and I wanted to do something good for my heart. This
    video really got the heart pumping, and I’ll certainly be coming back to
    this one. I love how this channel is more about the art of yoga rather than
    about the fitness frenzy like a lot of other people tends to focus on. My
    goal as I practiced this video was awareness, and I certainly became more
    aware of my movements and breathe during this one, though I had to take a
    break half-way through to rehydrate because I was sweating so much (which
    is a great improvement in this chilly weather). Anyway, love your videos.
    Keep up the good work!

  6. Emma Rutherford says:

    Thank you, Adriene for sharing this free class! The Russian weather has
    done its trick of giving us two weeks of glorious Spring weather without a
    drop of snow in sight before plunging us overnight back into the last
    vestiges of full winter. I love Power Yoga even though I haven’t had a
    consistent practice since the 30 Day Challenge because of my high intensity
    workouts paired with dance. I got a sweat going here for sure and I felt so
    calm and open at the same time. I love what yoga does for my body and soul.
    You’re the best, Adriene! xxx

  7. Jessica C says:

    I really liked this. I have a hard time on resting days and then when I
    know I need to slow down and not do a HIIT, still feel the burn. I will
    definitely feel this burn and according to my watch burned more fat (my
    issue) than I do when I do a HIIT. Loved this.

  8. Manda BearCat says:

    Really loved this practice! Thank you :)

  9. Nici Young says:

    THAT was the most amazing workout I have ever done!!! Thank you so much!!! 

  10. Alexandria Starlyn says:

    I made it all the way to 22nd minute with you but I’m already dead beat,
    well, it’s gonna happen, eventually :)

  11. gruberaj says:

    Stumbled on this one on your channel. Absolutely PERFECT, just what I
    needed and it’s winter for me at the moment and I needed to get moving
    again. Thanks :D

  12. Mayzia Noemi Rodgers Negron says:

    That was AWE-some! (lion’s breath!)

  13. Tashie Burgess says:

    Jumping Jacks! and Squats. Was not expecting that but my legs are burning.
    Thank you so much Adriene!!!

  14. anknegrii says:

    Love&light! Thank You!

  15. Candace O'Neal says:

    OMG this is a total body workout and It’s fun!!! Thanks Adriene!!!

  16. Monika Hladíková says:

    Hello Adriene, thank you for your yoga practise. :) I have a question, do
    you exercise yoga only? Because your body is functional. And I need to
    improve head stand..

  17. Lisa Lund says:

    Thank you Adriene, you have changed my life over the last couple of weeks
    with your videos <3 – Thank you so much – love you

    xoxo lisa from Denmark

  18. aparna singhal says:

    Loved ur video xD but i went to ur site n i couldnt find the videos where
    do i find dm ? 

  19. Isabel Leahy says:

    when will the online full classes be available to buy ? :)

  20. Emily Robinson says:

    I loved this class, Adriene! You’re the only YouTube yoga teacher I come
    back to time and time again. I modified a little during the power/cardio
    sequences and subbed in some burpees because I was feeling sassy and
    energetic. ;) Absolutely wonderful flow.

  21. Danielle Smith says:

    Awesome, sweaty, fun workout– thanks Adriene!!

  22. Charlotte Berg says:

    Thank you so much for having this incredible channel! I love your videoes,
    and this one is a real kicker! I have learned so much just following your
    videoes and have improved both my strength, my poses, my breathing and my
    health with following you and doing yoga about every other day for the last
    three months. thank you for being such an inspiration! <3

  23. Katia Aldana says:

    Absolutely loved this video. I stopped at 16 min cuz I was already tired,
    but I finished it all. Thank you for sharing this practice, it makes yoga
    so enjoyable. Btw my legs are shaking! Great workout!

  24. Julie McKown says:

    Love, love, love this flow! Thank you for being you, Adriene!

  25. Люба Шиндер says:

    I tried to finish the video for three times and today finally did it!
    Sweaty and excited