How to Lose Back Fat For Women: How to Get Rid of Upper, Lower Back Fat for women

25 comments on “How to Lose Back Fat For Women: How to Get Rid of Upper, Lower Back Fat for women
  1. LTJJ93 says:

    Good video thanks, and i’ll try what you mentioned.

  2. AdLibbyTV says:

    This is the first time I’m actually going to purchase information on weight
    loss. Once I’ve done this I’m going follow it to the “T”. Then I’m going to
    return and post the outcome. I’m going to prove or disprove the information
    out here in the public domain. Plus I really want something to work,
    especially if I’m committed!

  3. Richard Huntley says:

    Awesome, great to have you on board. Any questions or advice along the way
    let me know and i’ll be happy to help you.

  4. Richard Huntley says:

    WELL DONE and Thanks for sharing your success update here with us and i’m
    sure it will inspire others to take action and achieve great results just
    like you’re getting. I look forward to hearing more updates from you : )

  5. Brian Rodriguez says:

    Can men do this?

  6. SuperMoofie says:

    anyone can :)

  7. pooja reddy says:


  8. butterfly9274 says:

    Wow I am inspired!!

  9. Alexis Keena says:

    How many grams of sugar should we consume a day?

  10. MultiLisa10 says:

    are there any smoothie drinks that I can add the green veggies too?

  11. Hamdi Omar says:


  12. Garcinia Mandela says:

    that’s exactly what i was looking for thanks!!

  13. Richard Huntley says:

    Thanks glad my videos are helping you :-)

  14. Daniela Hernandez says:

    Great A

  15. Richard Huntley says:

    It’s the top link in the description

  16. Ash Renae says:

    goood advice:)

  17. Serenity Ann says:

    Great video! Very informative! Thank you. :)

  18. WarriorOfTheHeavens says:

    It’s falling into temptation on eating crap and it’s cheaper than the
    healthy food… I love fruit, but it’s so expensive were I stay! It doesn’t
    makes sense why the healthy food has to cost more?

  19. TifaBeatz says:

    It’s true!

    As he said, you cannot spot reduce a part of your body. 

  20. Richard Huntley says:

    Thanks for all your great comments. I’ve got nearly 300 videos on my YT
    channel now, with more questions being answered on fat loss and lifestyle
    all the time! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for more updates. Thanks, Richard

  21. Terri G says:

    Great video. I just subscribed!

  22. Michael Dalleva says:

    im totally gonna use these tips thank you so much

  23. Josy Martin says:

    I lost 30 pounds because of this video thank you so much ❤️

  24. Wyoma Oliver says:

    These tips were most helpful to me, thanks!!

  25. Richard Huntley says:

    ★☆★My Free 7 Day Plan to Help Lose Back and Belly Fat★☆★

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